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The son of former Premier Ewart Brown is due to stand trial by the end of March on sex charges, according to a Los Angeles prosecutor.Dr Kevin Brown was first accused more two-and-a-half years ago of molesting female patients at his Los Angeles office.He's facing 33 felony sex charges spanning a five-year period with 12 alleged victims including a 15-year-old girl and an undercover vice officer.He denies the allegations and is on bail awaiting trial at Los Angeles County Superior Court.Dr Brown Jr has attended numerous pre-trial hearings so far, the latest of which was on Thursday.Giving an update afterwards, Deputy District Attorney Rouman Ebrahim said: “The Brown case was continued to February 22, 2011 with the understanding that, if the court's schedule permits, the trial would start within 20 court days of that date.”The case has suffered delays because Dr Brown Jr experienced problems securing a lawyer, and the case is stuck in a court backlog.Woman stole from airport shopA lawyer for a woman accused in Magistrates' Court of stealing from a shop argued that his client's behaviour was caused by bipolar disorder.Molly McGirr, 34, an American who resides in St. George's, was arrested at LF Wade International Airport on January 13 while on her way to the US.Crown counsel Kirsty-Ann Kiellor told Magistrates' Court that at 11.30pm, McGirr asked the manager at the airport branch of Pulp and Circumstance about the price of a picture frame. McGirr left for her departure gate shortly afterward.Noticing items missing, the manager followed her to the gate. Security searched McGirr's carry-on bag and found two small picture frames, some envelopes and a box of note pads. The items were valued at $175.McGirr was taken to the airport police station where she admitted taking the items without paying for them. Defence lawyer Kenneth Savoury asked the court for leniency because McGirr's bipolar disorder caused her to experience episodes of self-destructive behaviour.Noting that all the items had been recovered, Senior Magistrate Archibald Warner fined McGirr $500.Drink driver: ‘I've wrecked my girlfriend's bike'A 27-year-old St. David's man admitted to driving with twice the legal amount of alcohol in his system.Gregory Caesar admitted in Magistrates' Court to driving while impaired in the early hours of January 9.Crown counsel Kirsty-Ann Kiellor told the court that at 3.13am, police outside St. David's Cricket Club saw Caesar driving west along Great Bay Road. Shortly afterwards they found him at the scene of a single vehicle crash on St. David's Road. Caesar was unsteady on his feet and smelled strongly of intoxicants.He told police: “Yes, I'm drunk.” When arrested and cautioned, he said: “I've wrecked my girlfriend's bike.”A breath test at Hamilton Police Station showed 161 milligrams of alcohol per 100 millilitres of breath. The legal limit is 80.Senior Magistrate Archibald Warner fined Caesar $1,000 and banned him from driving for one year.Homes burgled in four parishesPolice have issued an appeal for homeowers to take security measures after seven homes were burgled in two days.Four burglaries took place in Sandys parish, including one incident on Beulah Lane, sometime between 1pm and 3pm on Thursday.On that occassion someone gained entry to the house while it was unoccupied and stole a quantity of cash.A home one Scott's Hill Road in Sandys was also burgled between 7.50am and 11am that day. A person appears to have entered the house and made off with a men's watch.Another report of a burglary took place at a Primary Lane, Sandys parish residence. In that instance someone entered the house between 8am and 10.30am on Thursday and stole a quantity of cash.On Thursday, a home on Westwood Lane, Paget was entered and the culprit made off with cash and jewellery.One burglary on Watlington Lane North, Devonshire, happened sometime between 8am and 5pm on Wednesday.Police say someone entered the home while the residents were away and stole cash, electronic items and jewellery.Another incident happened at a home on Fairhaven Lane, Sandys. It appears someone entered that house between 8.50am and 1.45pm on Wednesday and took some jewellery.A South Road, Smith's parish residence was also burgled sometime between 1pm and 2.15pm that day.Someone is believed to have entered the home while the owners were away and fled with a 32” flat screen TV.Police are investigating these incidents, but ask the public to remain vigilant about burglaries. They also encourage people to report any suspicious activities or individuals in their neighbourhoods by calling police on 295-0011.Man with cannabis near school is fined $2,500A Devonshire man was fined $2,500 for bringing drugs into an increased penalty zone.Shawn Smith, 34, admitted having 1.3 grams of cannabis in his pockets when searched by police.Crown counsel Kirsty-Ann Kiellor told Magistrates' Court that at 4.50pm on September 30, Smith was stopped on Court Street, near the Elliott Street junction.Twists containing plant-like material were found in his pockets, and Smith was arrested and taken to Hamilton Police Station.The substance was identified as cannabis, and since Smith had been stopped within 300 metres of Dellwood Middle School, Senior Magistrate Archibald Warner fined him $1,500 on top of the $1,000