‘Mr Happy Man’ movie about Johnny Barnes gets festival slot
An American documentary film-maker admits to being excited and nervous as he prepares to premiere his latest film about Johnny Barnes at the Bermuda International Film Festival.Matt Morris’ film ‘Mr Happy Man’ was accepted into the festival, but hasn’t yet been assigned a screening date. He said he hoped Mr Barnes would be able to attend the premiere.Though he has shown other films with the subject present in the audience, he said he is nervous of the local viewing because Mr Barnes is so “beloved by many”.“With each of my other films, I’ve had the opportunity of seeing those films with the subjects of the film in the audience. It’s always rewarding and they always love it, but beforehand I’m always anxious about whether or not they will enjoy the film.“Unlike those films, I’ve never made a film about someone so beloved by so many and been able to screen the film for those people, which makes it even more nerve-wracking.”The film is the shortest he has directed and has a running time of ten minutes. The whole process of preparing, shooting and editing took about eight months.It features interviews with a range of people whose lives had been touched by Mr Barnes. “Those interviews added a nice dimension to the film,” added Mr Morris.He is hoping the film will get accepted into various festivals around the world and it has already been selected to show at the Florida Film Festival.“I hope the film does for a larger audience what Johnny does for those who pass him each morning; a brief, yet heartfelt reminder that, as Johnny says in the film, “Life is beautiful. Life is sweet. No matter what happens in life, it’s always sweet to be alive.”Mr Morris first came across the famous greeter on a website, called Flickr, allowing people from around the world to share their photos.He was amazed that someone could spend every morning of their lives greeting people and said: “I never heard of anyone doing that”.The documentarian began researching and was ecstatic when he learnt a short film of this magnitude had never been made of Mr Barnes.He contacted some people he knew on the Island and managed to get work permits, plane tickets and sponsors for the pricey project.Mr Morris will be updating festival acceptances on the Facebook page www.facebook.com/MrHappyManFilm.He will also be adding festival information on his website www.mattmorrisfilms.com