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Age Concern buoyed by measures to help elderly

Age Concern has welcomed a raft of measures in the Budget to help hard-pressed seniors.The Budget promised a pension hike of about 4.5 percent, starting in August, while the annual allowance for prescription drugs goes up by $50 to $1,200 per annum for seniors enrolled in HIP.

Age Concern has welcomed a raft of measures in the Budget to help hard-pressed seniors.

The Budget promised a pension hike of about 4.5 percent, starting in August, while the annual allowance for prescription drugs goes up by $50 to $1,200 per annum for seniors enrolled in HIP.

The new benefit level will come into force on April 1 while Finance Minister Paula Cox said Government will obtain actuarial advice on extending coverage further.

And those on HIP have also had their number of free annual medical visits doubled to four.

Medical, dental and pension benefits will be enhanced for war veterans with the pension benefit being doubled to $800 per month.

Ms Cox said Government planned amendments to the Pensions and Gratuities (War Service) Act 1947 to remove all vestiges of prejudice that stopped some black war veterans from being eligible to receive veteran?s benefits under the Act.

And Government will increase the retirement age for those in the public sector who wish to work beyond 65.

Ms. Cox said: ?In this regard, Government is maximising the benefit to the country by retaining much-needed skills and expertise of our seniors in Bermuda?s active labour force.?

Seniors also stand to gain from one of the few new capital projects to be started this year ? renovations to Pembroke Rest Home although further details were not revealed yesterday.

Age Concern executive director Claudette Fleming said: ?Generally, from a watch dog point of view, this is far better than I have seen in many years.

?But more can always be done, particularly for the most vulnerable in our community ? those without financial means or with mobility issues.

?What I heard is encouraging but I would encourage Government not to rest on their laurels. There is much work to be done.?