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Woman hurt after car and truck hitA Sandys woman is in stable condition in the intensive care unit after her car was involved in a collision with a truck on Thursday afternoon.Police responded to the accident that took place around 5 p.m. on Middle Road in Southampton, near Whale Bay.

Woman hurt after car and truck hit

A Sandys woman is in stable condition in the intensive care unit after her car was involved in a collision with a truck on Thursday afternoon.

Police responded to the accident that took place around 5 p.m. on Middle Road in Southampton, near Whale Bay.

It appears the truck was travelling east and the 55-year old woman was travelling in her car in the other direction when the two vehicles collided.

The woman was taken to the King Edward VII Memorial Hospital. She remains in the intensive care unit with head and internal injuries but is stable.

Car break-ins

Two cars were broken into yesterday morning with vandals smashing the windows and stealing cash.

Police responded to the report of damage to the two cars on Parliament Street, in Hamilton. The vandals made off with a small amount of cash from each vehicle.

Police say the incident represents the latest in a series of car break-ins and damage to cars that has been going on for the past month. Anyone with information should contact Police on 295 0011.