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Breaking News: Consumer spending falls for 15 consecutive months

Consumer spending in Bermuda has fallen for 15 consecutive months, according to figures released this morning.

According to the Retail Sales Index shoppers spent an estimated $93.1 million on retail goods in June — a decrease of 2.4 per cent, or approximately $2.3 million less than the sales levels recorded in the same month last year.

Retail sales have consistently declined for fifteen consecutive months, a trend which began in April 2009, according to the report.

Residents returning to the Island from business and vacation trips declared overseas purchases of goods valued at $5.7 million during June — 14 per cent higher than the $5 million declared during June last year.

After adjusting for the annual retail sales rate of inflation, measured at 2.1 per cent in June, the volume of retail sales contracted by 4.4 percent.

* For the full story see tomorrow’s business section in The Royal Gazette.