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Breaking News: Lara to play pro-am at PGA Grand Slam

West Indies cricket superstar Brian Lara is to play in the pro-am tournament at the PGA Grand Slam event at Port Royal, it was confirmed this afternoon.

He will play the event as a guest of Premier Ewart Brown and the Bermuda Department of Tourism.

"I was playing a round in Trinidad during the April 2009 Summit of Americas," Dr. Brown said. "Lara was playing ahead of me and when I got to the clubhouse I met him and invited him to play in the 2009 Grand Slam Pro-am.

"He was unable to make it last year but has confirmed that he'll be in Bermuda this year. I am excited that this sports icon will join us and see for himself why Port Royal has generated so much buzz."

The PGA Grand Slam of Golf takes place October 18 to 20.

* Full story in tomorrow’s Sports section.