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Caisey wins by a whisker

Ouch: Incumbent Mayor E. Michael Jones grimaces as he hears a tide of votes for Mariea Caisey. Mr. Jones lost to Ms Caisey by three votes.Photo by Glenn Tucker

Mariea Caisey is the new Mayor of St. George?s after a dramatically close election gave her three more votes than incumbent E. Michael Jones.

It was just before 9.30 p.m. last night that the counting in the Town Hall revealed another nail-biting finish involving the two candidates who had been separated by a mere two votes at the last election in 2003.

This time it was bank manager Ms Caisey who tasted victory despite at first thinking she?d been pipped at the post for a second time as she tried to keep a tally of the vote counting.

?I knew it was good but I never take anything for granted, like I said before. You have to wait until that last ballot paper gets out of the box. And I can?t believe that I miscounted my own votes, I added them up incorrectly. I thought I?d lost by two votes again,? said Ms Caisey, who was deputy mayor until the 2003 election.

Moments after being elected Mayor, having gained 154 votes to Mr. Jones? 151, she reflected on what had happened and why the residents of the town had yesterday chosen her over her rival.

?I guess they wanted a change, maybe they are interested in what I?m interested in and wanted somebody to represent them the way I said I would,? she said.

?We have a lot of work ahead. I?m not going to let down those people who believed in me, who supported me.

?I?ll prove to the voters that I can do a good job in their best interests and get things done. I?m not perfect. But I have a good team that will work together as a team.?

Defeated Mr. Jones had opted to stay out of the counting session in the Town Hall but even as he waited in his adjacent parlour room he could hear the count next door and, even before the result was announced, surmised his rival was in the lead.

When he heard the result he immediately congratulated Ms Caisey before quietly leaving the Town Hall and his parlour having served two years and three months as Mayor.

It was Mr. Jones? decision to call an early election and he did so, he said, in order that a team could be in place before a number of big decisions affecting the town are made later in the year.

Amongst issues coming up are the future of the former Club Med resort site, the issue of Panamax cruise ships coming through the Town Cut harbour entrance, and improving the waterfront aspect of the main town.

Following the election, Mr. Jones said: ?I would like to congratulate Ms Caisey on her win and I look forward to making myself available to her or the town if there is a place for me.

?I believe I made the right choice (to call an early election) and for the right reasons. It was my intention for the town?s people to have a team to make the important decisions to come.

?The town has spoken and I will honour their will.?

The election also decided who would fill the three Aldermen seats on the Corporation. Beau Evans topped the poll with 197 votes, followed by Ken Bascome on 182 and Edward Benevides on 148.

Losing out were Ross Smith and Steven Hollis who polled 134 and 126 respectively.

Former UBP Senator Mr. Bascome told : ?I would like to thank the voters for affording me another opportunity to serve St. George?s.?

He said the election of himself, Mr. Evans, Mr. Benevides and Ms Caisey meant the ?dream team? he had envisaged and encouraged voters to opt for was now in place.

And he was critical of the Government for making its announcement earlier in the week regarding the change of favoured developer for the Club Med site without involving the councillors and Aldermen within the Corporation.

Mr. Evans said: ?I?ve been out on the streets of St. George, pounding the pavements and knocking on people?s doors and learning about their concerns.?

He said the new Corporation team was ?cohesive? and would go forward to deal with some of the town?s big issues.

An election to decide the make up of the Corporation?s five common councillors will be held on February 16 after only four candidates entered the race for the five seats by the original closing date for nominations. Nominations now stay open until February 9.