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Furbert shakes up Shadow Cabinet

photo by Chris BurvilleOpposition Leader Wayne Furbert announces Patricia Gordon Pamplin's appointment as Shadow Finance Minister.

New Opposition Leader Wayne Furbert put his stamp on the UBP last night with a major shake-up of his team.

Patricia Gordon-Pamplin is confirmed as the new Finance spokesman with former leader Grant Gibbons the only one of the 17-strong parliamentary team not to have a front bench post.

Mrs. Pamplin-Gordon is replaced as Works and Engineering spokesman by Jon Brunson while Michael Dunkley is dropped from Home Affairs to make way for Maxwell Burgess.

David Dodwell goes back to Tourism replacing Kim Swan who takes over Housing from Mr. Furbert.

Asked how the portfolios would translate into Government, Mr. Furbert said at the moment he was keen to share the load and get all his team acquainted with the issues and ready to take over.

Matching people up with their interests and giving virtually everyone a taste of the action were key in Mr. Furbert?s mind as he announced his reorganisation.

Mr. Furbert said: ?Our priorities and our vision are clear, to house our people with dignity, to heal the racial divide that plagues our community and to educate to compete with the best and the brightest in the world.

?Our team stands ready to take up these challenges and deliver real solutions to our people.?

Last night Dr. Gibbons, who gave up the leadership nearly two weeks ago, said it had been time for a change, adding:?I will continue to provide the constituents of Paget East with the representation they deserve in the House of Assembly and make sure their voices are heard.?