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Gordon-Pamplin gets ?new challenge?

As a politician who has made a successful career in accountancy, Patricia Gordon-Pamplin might have seemed an obvious choice for new Shadow Finance spokeswoman.

But she gave her appointment a cautious welcome.

She told : "It's kind of a backhanded promotion. It's one of those 'Thanks ? I think!' kind of jobs. I don't know whether to accept congratulations or commiserations.

"It's a big job. I loved it when I was given Labour and Home Affairs, I cried when I was given Works and Engineering but it proved to one of the most exciting experiences I have had in my political career.

"Now this is a whole new challenge. Having run the gamut of emotions on the other two appointments I have an open mind on this one."

She admitted she had her work cut out in taking on Paula Cox, who has been one of the Government's most able performers.

"I have the ultimate respect for Paula Cox, however she is constrained by the policies put in place by her Government."

Mrs. Pamplin-Gordon blasted the PLP for failing to rein in spending on big projects which meant there was less cash left over for social projects.

"People are really suffering. There is $50 million in funds wasted on the Berkeley project through poor management which would have been available to pay for other social programmes."

She said she owed a huge debt of gratitude to Grant Gibbons for promoting her to big jobs before and for agreeing to help her in her new post.

The PLP should be ashamed for overtaxing the people and then boasting about all the extra money they had gathered, said Mrs. Gordon-Pamplin.

"It's a failure to understand the basics of what a budget it supposed to do. You are not supposed to make a profit, it is not a corporation."

Mrs. Gordon-Pamplin, who is vice president and chief accountant of Everest Reinsurance, faces a huge test next month when Government unveils the budget.

"I am looking forward to it. It will be my first opportunity to direct the Opposition's response."

Asked about her years of experience as an accountant, she admitted that if she reaches Government, overseeing a $600 million dollar budget will be a big jump from running a company's books ? even one with $15 billion in assets ? where shareholders were the only people you ultimately answer to.