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Hamptons developers apply to construct 12 new units on site

The Hamptons housing project has applied for 12 more units to be built on St. Anne's Road, Southampton, half as many as initially intended, thanks to pressure from local residents.

Kevin Cross, president of development company WhiteCross Developments, said the company heard the calls about overcrowding the Gibbs Hill Lighthouse area and plan to build half the number of homes at the final stage of the Hamptons.

And Mr. Cross assured residents that eight acres of woodland reserve, under a section 34 agreement since 1999, will not be touched.

Mr. Cross applied to the Planning Department for "four detached homes and eight town houses ? a total of 12 units (in phase three of approved development)" on February 8.

"The residents complained there was too much density," Mr. Cross said. "We listened to what they said, but also listened to what the market needs".

He said there was a niche in the property market for three bedroom homes because so many two bedroom condos were being built.

All of the proposed town houses have three bedrooms, but the other four are each planned to be 3,600 square feet.

Asked how he expected residents will react to the changes, Mr. Cross said he hoped they acted favourably "since we already had permission to build 24 units and are now building 12".

The total number of homes being built at the Hamptons has dropped from 40 to 28.

He said the homes are only for sale to Bermudians and long-term residents.

"We would like to start (building) phase three in 12 months," he said.

In November, 2004, crane operator Freddie Sewell had a brush with death when his $200,000 crane toppled over with him inside.

But Mr. Cross said Mr. Sewell is back to work in a new crane at the site.