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Joyful celebration brings Island's people together

Bermuda Day: Sandys Middle School Drumline make their way through the Front Street during the Bermuda Day parade yesterday.

Vintage cars, motorbikes horns honking and the sunshine from their bodywork dazzling the eyes Glamourous Granny Joan Dismont soaking up the attention and the Bermuda Regiment Band in all their pomp.

Wow! And that was just the start.

Yesterday thousands of people lined the streets of Hamilton to celebrate the Bermuda Day Heritage Parade.

Everywhere there were umbrellas, awnings and tents. Every shop doorway seemed to be someone's kitchen with food and drink adorning laden down tables.

Most importantly, after a bloody and violent weekend, there were smiles and laughter everywhere. People dancing in the streets, rejoicing and revelling in a wonderful display of Bermudian talent.

One woman, who asked not to be named, said: "This is a very special event, a really nice occasion. After what has happened, it is very good for people."

Yesterday's events were particularly special as it also celebrated 100 years of the Marathon Derby coming as Bermuda this year celebrates its 400th anniversary.

In programme notes, Premier Dr. Ewart Brown, who was at the event yesterday with his wife Wanda, said: "Bermuda Day 2009 takes on added significance as we celebrate Bermuda's 400th anniversary.

"I expect you and your family will see a fine parade this year filled with reminders of our country's rich history and culture."

He added: "However, once the final float glides past, the history lesson need not end. Our 400th anniversary is a fantastic time to reacquaint yourself and teach your children about Bermuda's unique story."

Opposition leader Kim Swan said in his programme notes: "On this Bermuda Day, let us take the opportunity to rise above all those things that have served to keep our community divided.

"Let each of us find the courage to become our brother's keeper and to love our neighbour as our self, to do so would make a great start to how history records the contribution of our generation."

It was time to party and people made the most of the occasion, getting there as early as possible to claim a ringside seat.

Sitting six or seven deep on the streets, people lined up to watch the 59 groups in the parade, not to mention proud individuals such as Allysa Rose, Miss Teen Bermuda Islands 2009, and the Bermuda Longriders Motor Cycle Club.

Jay Thomas said: "It's been great. This is what people have been waiting for. It's fantastic."

And Charlotte Stroedter, from Boston, added: "We come to Bermuda every year. We love it. I think this parade is incredible, fabulous, there's nothing like it in Boston.

"The disposition of the people is amazing. The people are just so friendly."

See more pictures at Spotted on the Rock