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Kidnapped man found after tip-off

The man kidnapped during an outbreak of drug-related violence around Hamilton on Thursday afternoon has been found and is in good health, Police said yesterday.

Police are refusing to reveal details, but they said the man, who was bundled into the trunk of a car at the junction of Court Street and Elliott Street at lunchtime on Thursday, was found on Thursday night.

The silver/grey Hyundai Getz car used by four thugs to abduct the man was found abandoned in Crane Lane, Pembroke, on Thursday evening after Police were tipped off by an anonymous caller. The car was seized by Police who are examining it, and the kidnap victim was scheduled to be interviewed by detectives yesterday.

One youth on a motorbike who was arrested near Marsh Folly Road was being questioned by detectives who are still searching for three others who fled the Middle Town area on bikes following a high speed chase.

Police were called to four violent incidents which are linked to on-going feuds over drugs and territory around Hamilton.

Police spokesman Dwayne Caines said yesterday: “There is an ongoing investigation and we do not want to tip our hand at the moment.”

The violence flared just before 1 p.m. on Thursday when a gang of between ten and 12 masked men wearing helmets and carrying baseball bats broke in and ransacked a house in Middle Town Lane.

Twenty minutes later, across Pembroke Marsh at Footbridge Lane, a 23-year-old man said a group of men burst into his apartment and stole various items but he said he did not want Police to investigate it.

Within 15 minutes, at 1.30 p.m., a group of four men were seen attacking a man at the corner of Court Street and Elliot Street and bundling him into the back of the Hyundai Getz car.

And at 3.30 p.m., violence flared again when a group of men brandishing weapons were seen in the Middle Town area.

Police in cars rushed in to try to make arrests, and carried out a number of high speed chases after four youths raced off on two motorbikes.

Home Affairs and Public Safety Minister Randy Horton told MPs yesterday that two arrests had been made and that further arrests were expected.

He said a Police raid at a house in St. Monica's had resulted in the recovery of suspected drugs including plant material and rocks.

Anyone with information is asked to call the Serious Crime Unit on 299-4315 or the main Police number on 295-0011.