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Marine and Ports boss says Island's tugs are shipshape

Director of Marine and Ports Barry Copeland has vehemently denied reports that the majority of Bermuda's tug fleet have failed safety inspections ? labelling the revelations "complete rubbish".

Sources speaking to alleged that two of the Island's front-line tugs were removed from service last week ? including Bermuda's newest tug the , purchased early in December.

But Mr. Copeland expressed genuine surprise when contacted, saying he had no idea where the "ridiculous" rumours had originated.

"I don't have any idea what you're talking about," he said.

"There may be some confusion relating to one of our older tugs called, which was damaged during Hurricane Karen and now no longer belongs to Marine and Ports. But all our three front-line tugs are fully operational and there are absolutely no problems."

Attempts to contact Lloyd's of London, the company which insures the vessels, were unsuccessful last night.