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Marva O?Brien named PS of Public Safety and Housing

Marva O?Brien has been appointed Permanent Secretary to the Ministry of Public Safety and Housing under Minister David Burch.

Recently she has been employed as a Policy and Programme Analyst in the Corporate Services Department of the Ministry of Health. Ms O?Brien also worked as a public health consultant at the James Cook University in Townsville, Australia and as a consumer advocate and activist for the Coalition for Consumer Justice in Providence, Rhode Island, US.

Ms O?Brien earned a BA in Psychology at Dalhousie University and a Bachelor of Science in Biology.

She also earned a Masters in Science Degree from the Loma Linda University in California where her concentration was in Public Health.

She is a Rotary International Graduate Scholar and a volunteer with the local Homeless Feeding Programme. Minister Burch said: ?I look forward to working with Ms O?Brien and to having her assistance in getting this Ministry operating at the highest level of efficiency.?

Her appointment takes effect on Monday. She will provide leadership and direction to the Department Heads of the Bermuda Housing Corporation, the Rent Commission, the Post Office, the Bermuda Regiment, the Bermuda Police Service, the Department of Corrections and the Bermuda Fire Service.