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Night-club owner's harsh words for 'wimpy' Police

The owner of Champions night-club blamed the Police Service last night for the recent rises in violence, saying officers do not earn or deserve the respect of the community.

"Are they kings of the jungle or little wimps," asked Delvin Bean, who also owns Locals Restaurant. "It's amazing what's happening in this country with the violence... Is anybody safe on this Island?"

Mr. Bean spoke out last night after claiming Police failed to assist Champions security during a fracas outside the club in the early hours of Sunday morning. He said several non-members were attempting to enter the private, members-only club. When they were prevented by security guards, pandemonium began to break out.

"But the Police sat there right outside the front door of Champions - filming and laughing," he said in frustration. "Just watching fools and hooligans trying to bumrush the door makes no sense.

"Are you here to help me and help me staff or what? We are trying to obey the rules but Police are not helping."

Although Front Street establishments such as O-zone, Club 40, and both the Number One and Number Six sheds have seen several violent incidents recently, Mr. Bean said up until two weekends ago Champions had been incident-free for about six months.

Then, last Saturday, he was himself attacked outside his club. "There was a guy arguing with a girl," he said. "I was talking to my friends, saying I was going to go get some breakfast, and my security people had stopped the guy from beating up on the girl... So he hit me in the face with a helmet. He said: "I couldn't get your f-ing people but I f-ing got you.'"

The incident landed Mr. Bean in the hospital for three hours of surgery to his face.

"We have got to set a precedent, enough is enough. How far does it have to go, does somebody have to get killed again?... Somebody's got to set a precedent somewhere, it's got to start with the politicians.

Wondering what the point was of merely filming outside the clubs, Mr. Bean added that he had heard Police were also filming outside the O-zone/Flanagan's area. "That was a joke," he said. "Apparently someone even cursed off the Police and they just laughed at them. I don't understand, it's ludicrous.

"All the clubs are doing the best they can, but it's like, what can they do... Police are not aggressive enough, that's why what's happening is happening. And if the public thinks they are being too aggressive, they should come out and try doing their job.

"That's why none of these little menaces respect them... We need more experienced people in the Police unit. I would like for them to get off their behinds and do their job... Next time I'm going to put my videotapes outside and start filming them.

"I suggest the Commissioner or the Minister needs to investigate and change, do something about it. We can only do so much."

A Police spokesman refused to comment on the claims last night.