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One arrested in college fight

Eleven Policemen in five vehicles were called out to a fight at Bermuda College yesterday after youths fought a running battle at the Paget campus, one student has told The Royal Gazette.

The eyewitness said a weapon had been used as four students fought before a brave female teacher stepped in to break it up, along with a security guard.

A Police spokesman confirmed one arrest had been made but he had no further details.

The student said a makeshift weapon had been found in a rubbish bin after one of the combatants tried to hide it.

He said: "Someone was bleeding. There were four guys fighting, I think only one of them was a student at the college.

"Then this Irish teacher got involved. She was shrieking but she was very brave. I think people came on to the campus to start the fight.

"There were plenty of Bermuda Police cadets standing around but they didn't do anything."

"I thought it was very interesting as it was my first day at college."

But the student said he did not think the battle was necessarily gang related.