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Pervert handed the maximum sentence for getting fresh at deli

A man with a catalogue of sexual convictions dating back two decades was slammed with the maximum sentence in Magistrates' Court yesterday.

Gary Jones, 54, of Union Street, Pembroke, pleaded guilty to unlawfully intruding on the privacy of a female. The assault took place on Tuesday when the woman was standing in the Deli, in Washington Mall, ordering her lunch.

Crown counsel Shade Subair told the court that as the woman ordered her lunch, Jones gripped her bottom and said 'hey girl, how you doing?' as he continued to touch her body.

The woman turned around and punched him. Jones then ran off with the victim in hot pursuit.

Outside of Harbour Master, in the Washington Mall, she tried to block him from escaping but he managed to break away and ran towards the bus terminal.

He was later picked up by the Police, based on a description provided by the victim. After his arrest, Jones initially denied touching the woman, but he later said: "I fell in love with her ? I felt confused," said Jones.

"I know it was wrong and then I got spiteful towards her.

"I already said what I needed to say in a statement, but I am sorry."

Ms Subair said there was a record of previous convictions of a like nature and proceeded to read off offences, which dated back to 1979.

She told the court that he had received probation, short and long prison sentences and out-patient treatment for sexual offenders.

The convictions ranged from sexual assault, indecent acts, indecent assault, and intrusion on the privacy of a female; he was recently released from a four-year sentence.

Ms Subair called for an immediate custodial sentence, saying he was a "real risk to society".

Yesterday, Jones told the court that he was a musician, but in the day at question, he "needed a release".

"I'm a musician and I play the guitar and I write songs. I have been working a lot over the weeks that I have been out of jail," said Jones.

"I have been writing and playing. It was bottled up ? just bottled up.

"I was nervous ? my nerves went. I ain't saying I am perfect and I have learnt from all of that.

"I'm in a treatment facility in Devonshire and I am an out patient. I have been receiving treatment since I have been out of jail.

"I don't know what came over me that day ? it's not something that I would ordinarily do."

Ms Subair suggested that Acting Senior Magistrate Carlisle Greaves send Jones to Supreme Court for sentencing, but Mr. Greaves said: "I really have reservations with that. They bring them back down here ? this old-fashioned justice.

"I come from a jurisdiction where the magistrates had real power."

Ms Subair said it had a maximum sentence of up to five years in Magistrates' Court.

He said: "In Bermuda ? nice people ? we don't do anything wrong, but people are beating people everyday."

Defence lawyer Larry Mussenden asked Mr. Greaves: "Is your worship power hungry?"

Mr. Greaves said: "This accused has the worst criminal record that I have ever seen for sexual assault.

"I shall take his record into account ? he is a real and present danger to our female folk.

"I shall also consider his guilty plea and discount six months from the maximum sentence (of five years) making it four-and-a-half-years in prison."

Jones said: "But I'm an out patient at St. Brendan's."

Mr. Greaves said: "Thank you for reminding me," and he also recommended sexual offender treatment.