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St. Monica?s residents are afraid to leave their homes, says area MP

Tuesday?s drug bust at St. Monica?s Mission has been welcomed by area MP Nelson Bascome but comes as little surprise.

He and other members of the St. Monica?s Mission Community Action Group have been battling the pushers for years.

Mr. Bascome said residents were scared to go out of their homes day and night and violence often flared between the druggies.

He said: ?I definitely welcome the Police coming, it?s part of at least getting the area safe for the children so they can be there without having to confront that activity.

?For neighbours it isn?t comfortable to come out to enjoy their yards. Day or night, it goes on 24 hours a day. It?s hard to enjoy the scenery looking at the deals.

?There is violence that goes on between the drug dealers.?

Tuesday?s swoop netted up to $5,000 of crack cocaine hidden around the church grounds but no arrests were made after six men fled the scene.

In December, Works and Engineering put in speed bumps to slow the passage of cars to drug pickups.

?That night someone came along and dug them up. The asphalt is soft and has to sit for a while before it gets hard.?

Now his group hopes Works and Engineering will put something less vulnerable to vandalism such as plastic humps which can be bolted down.

His group, which is co-chaired by fellow Government MP Ottiwell Simmons, has been working with neighbours, the National Drug Commission and Police to improve the area.

Wall-sitters who want to work are put in touch with Government. ?There are a couple of guys who have gotten jobs through the National Training Board but there are others where you just shake your head. They don?t put in any effort.?

Drug addicts were put in touch with the NDC for counselling. ?There is also counselling for families who are maybe affected by individuals who are drug addicted.?

He said the group still had plenty of support in the community and some meetings were packed out.

An even bigger Police presence was needed, said Mr. Bascome, and some neighbours wanted a car stationed there more often.