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Students flock to Careers Fair

The Careers Fair on Front Street was doing a roaring business yesterday with children flocking to learn about everything from chocolate modelling to accountancy.

The Dolphin Quest stand had steady interest. Staffer Robyn Bungay said the plastic model skull with more than 80 teeth was a big draw.

She said: "We have had about 25 children make inquiries for summer employment. We need about 15.

"They want to know about working with marine mammals, being dolphin trainers and even becoming marine biologists."

Spice Valley schoolgirl Ondreyah Rochester, 12, was one of those who signed up. She said: "I like animals and I want to work in the tourism industry."

Fairmont Princess bakery chef Dimuth Sepala couldn't fail to attract attention with his foot-chocolate model of a baker carrying a tray of buns - chocolate of course.

The entirely edible mini statue took two and a half hours to make and drew about 100 interested or at least hungry children.

The Police Service was also attracting a lot of interest after their TV and Radio campaign extolling the exciting stuff officers get up to.

However Sgt. Charlene Thompson said: "They want to go straight into being Police divers or being in the motor bike squad.

"They don't want to start on the street but you have to do that to learn the basic skills."

Chief Education Officer Dr. Joseph Christopher said he was pleased with the turnout and hoped children would realise the range of options open to them.

He said: "I hope the students don't just pick up flyers but talk about it with their parents and make a sound decision on which way they want to go.

"I see a lot of students by themselves.

"I would have hoped they would have brought their parents with them."