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Woman brutally assaulted

Police are warning women to be on their guard following a brutal assault on a woman in the early hours of Friday morning.

The woman, who did not wish to be named, had just left Splash nightclub on Bermudiana Road at 3 a.m and was walking to her car parked on Woodbourne Avenue.

With the keys in the ignition, the door was suddenly flung open and a brown-skinned man wearing a white T-shirt and baggy blue jeans reached in and punched her in the face.

As the woman fought to rev the engine and beep the horn to attract attention, the attacker forcibly covered her face and rooted around the car?s interior while demanding money.

The man ran off soon afterwards, but returned swiftly when he saw the woman dialling for Police help on her cell phone, punching her to the ground and kicking her in the side and head as she lay screaming and begging for mercy. ?I was shocked and terrified,? she told yesterday. ?It took me completely by surprise and every time I fought or tried to beep the horn he would hit me and tell me to shut up. Physically I?m now OK but mentally and emotionally I?m not all there.?

The victim, who did not wish to be photographed because of a fear the attacker would seek her out for retribution, suffered a busted lower lip and extensive bruising to her face and sides.

?I wanted to speak to the media because I hope my experience will alert other women to the dangers that are out there,? she said. Police said they wanted to talk to anybody who was in the Bermudiana Road/Gorham Road area between 3 and 3.15 a.m. Those with information should call Det. Insp. Raphael Simons on 295-0011.