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Youth group has big ideas for future

Christian youth group Young Life Bermuda is looking to boost its after-school programme with a three-storey addition to its youth hall in Pembroke.

The extra space will provide extra storage and office space and a new clubhouse.

Young Life area director Kevin Mahoney said the project would cost around $1.5 million.

?We are broadening and deepening our outreach to high school kids,? he said.

The organisation has a membership of 30 to 40 young people and there are five secondary schools ? Bermuda High School, Saltus Grammar School, Berkeley Institute, Mount Saint Agnes Academy and CedarBridge Academy ? within walking distance of the clubhouse at 13 Pitts Bay Road.

Mr. Mahoney said the upgrade would expand Young Life?s popular ?Wyldlife? clubs in St. George?s and Warwick for young people aged seven to 14.

Boys and girls play a variety of sports including table tennis, air hockey, football, cricket and basketball.

Mr. Mahoney said he was uncertain when construction would begin. ?Once we have the details sorted out and the planning process is completed, then we will go into fundraising mode,? he said.

Young Life was launched in 1963 by former Olympian Francis (Goose) Gosling. ?It started in Paget at his house. This whole need (for an extension) really came out of his passing,? he said. ?Mr. Gosling built a large clubhouse for Young Life on his home but since his passing three years ago we have been figuring out where to go and how to get there.?

Young Life leader Sheree Jacobs underscored the importance of the club.

?It gives young people the opportunity to have something else to do in terms of the negative aspects of teen life. It gives them a place to hang out with friends in a safe environment. But above all it gives them the opportunity to hear about the Gospel of Jesus Christ in a non-threatening environment and have fun,? she said.