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100 families seek housing

More than 100 families were on the Bermuda Housing Corporation?s (BHC) emergency housing list last week.

BHC general manger Vance Campbell said 107 people were on the list, but this number included 35 applicants who were currently being housed in BHC?s emergency housing units and were ?not out on the streets?.

There were 29 applicants for one bedroom-homes, 39 applicants for two-bedroom homes, 38 for three-bedroom homes and one for a four-bedroom, he said.

In January, 2004, there were 106 names on the list but the number was once as high as 169 in October 2002.

The Ministry of Works and Engineering said a total of six prefab homes had arrived on the Island so far, although there was still no news on where they would go.

Earlier this year, the Ministry said it would bring in a total of ten prefab homes as emergency housing.

In the meantime, the month long plight of a St. David?s family to find temporary emergency housing, in order for them to renovate their smoke damaged home might soon by over.

Wendy Fox?s St. Luke?s Road home was badly damaged in a fire that broke out in the early hours of August 17.

No one was injured in the fire but Tiara Raynor, 15, who was sleeping with her 84-year-old grandmother Eglantine Fox in a nearby bedroom, lost her all her furniture, clothing and personal items at an estimated cost of the fire was $15,000.

?I am not doing too good, Ms Fox said last week. ?I have been trying to get emergency housing. They don?t want to give it to us but they are telling us they can store our furniture.

Ms Fox said she knew there was one empty home in Southside ready to move in apart from a few vandalised windows, which she offered to fix.

?I spoke to Patrick Jones but he said he can?t put us there right now because it is being turned over to the Housing Corporation in a few months,? she said. ?I have nowhere to go. We have been staying with friends.

?My daughter and I are sleeping on a couch in a tiny little one-bedroom apartment. My daughter goes to school. I know a family whose house burnt down and in two weeks they had been placed somewhere. The Premier has not been here to speak with us, neither has Mr. DeVent.?

But yesterday, Mr. Campbell said he and Bermuda Land Development Company CEO Patrick Jones had been in talks this week about helping the family.

?We are agreeable to delaying the taking over of the home to allow BLDC to house this particular family,? Mr. Campbell said yesterday. ?? believe they need three months to renovate.?

St. David?s MP Suzanne Roberts-Holshouser had been calling BLDC and BHC on Mrs. Fox?s behalf.

BLDC told her because the empty home was going to be transferred to BHC, therefore it should be BHC?s decision who lives there.