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Action! Young film buffs prepare for movie premieres

Bermuda's youngest film buffs will have their first movie premieres during the second Kids Film Festival which runs from October 14 to 16.

The Bermuda Independent Film Festival organised the three day event, which will be held at the Liberty Theatre. It will feature 24 films from around the world and 23 short films made by Bermudian youths.

The foreign films come from a variety of countries such as Korea, Russia, Sweden, Australia and the UK. Festival organiser Vicky Zabriskie was especially pleased that they had a film from an African nation, Burkina Faso.

BIFF organised a summer camp programme for students aged 7-16 this past summer. The organisation offered a screenwriting, camera, acting and animation camp as well as a two week boot camp geared towards 14-16 year olds.

Mrs. Zabriskie ran the camps and said they were a resounding success with the students completing 22 short films.

One of the younger campers, eight-year-old Ethan Phillips, loved his animation camp and is looking forward to the premiere of his film "Boat Load" about an sea monster.

Mrs. Zabriskie was amazed at how diligent the students were and pleased with the variety of genres the students produced.

Eleven-year old Nolan Moniz described the heavy hitting film he worked on during his screenwriting course. A fellow camper wrote the film, titled 'Shards', which profiles a young person grappling with a mental disease and absent parents.

The camp encouraged film appreciation and the film festival will allow more students exposure to diverse films.

"Film is an art and film education is important. The films expose kids to different cultures and mediums," Mrs. Zabriskie said.

The campers were also exposed to the reality of film making, it's hard, hot work. Caitlin Billing participated in the two-week boot camp where she wrote, directed and shot her film 'Drunk on Love". She was amazed at how much time it took to do everything, especially as she only had five days to complete her film.

More than 75 students participated in the camp and many will watch their films with their friends and family during the festival.

BIFF added a school programme for this year's festival. Schools were invited to come for a special screening of two films. The programme was so popular that BIFF had to add a third screening time to accommodate all the interested classes.

Tickets go on sale for the festival on Friday at the Logic Internet Cafe on Burnaby Street on Fridays and Saturdays from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. They will also be available on October14-16 at the Liberty Theatre.