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Age Concern vows to increase membership tenfold

Age Concern launched a membership drive yesterday, vowing to increase by more than ten times its size, with membership flyers sent to every home in Bermuda that receives a Belco bill.

The launch began with philanthropist David Barber and former Age Concern chairperson Fred Hassell honoured, while Age Concern teamed up with Bacardi International to donate a $5,000 emergency generator to Elder Home Care.

?The donation of a generator is being made as a result of an exploratory investigation that took place last year between Bacardi and Age Concern in the aftermath of Hurricane Fabian,? Age Concern chairperson Walter Roberts said at a Press conference held at Elder Home Care yesterday.

?It was decided at the time that it would be a prudent investment to provide a local rest home with an emergency generator in the hopes that we might encourage other sponsors in the community to equip additional rest homes with generators,? he said, adding he hoped the generator would never be used.

?Now I?m ready for the hurricanes,? Elder Home Care?s Diana Trott said.

Mr. Barber and Mr. Hassell were also honoured at the Press conference for their outstanding contributions.

?Mr. Barber ... is today being honoured by Age Concern as a sterling example of how mature citizens can give back to their communities,? Mr. Roberts said. Generous donations to Warwick Academy, PALS, King Edward VII Memorial Hospital, Maritime Museum, Physical Abuse Centre, TB Cancer & Health Association and Project Action and the purchase of an air ambulance for Bermuda all have served to mark Mr. Barber?s place in the community.

?In his own words, Mr. Barber is committed to give back to Bermuda and to make a lasting impression,? Mr. Roberts said. ?In our opinion, he has done exactly that, and it is our privilege today to honour his contribution in Bermuda.?

Mr. Barber said his charitable donations were made ?as a way of demonstrating my appreciation and a way of honouring the life I shared with my beloved wife, Mary?. The 91 year old added he was familiar with the challenges facing seniors, commending Age Concern for their work ?on our behalf?.

Efforts from ?community giant? Mr. Hassell were also honoured by Mr. Roberts at the Press conference.

As a former chairperson of Age Concern, Mr. Hassell has made significant contributions, both in the early stages and as a current member, Mr. Roberts said.

?Some notable contributions ... include playing a major role in the development of Seniors Week, co-ordinating Bermuda?s first certificate programme in Gerontology and co-ordinating the 1999 International Year of the Older Persons Committee.?

Like Mr. Barber, the director of the Bermuda Senior Islanders Centre and host of Sixty-Something Radio, noted his appreciation for Age Concern?s achievements.

?When you acknowledge us, you acknowledge and elevate senior citizens in Bermuda,? he said, voicing his pleasure that Age Concern was ?still viable, still raising senior citizens up?.

Other organisations were also thanked for their help and support during the ceremony.

?Our membership drive is being initiated to attract 3,000 new members, individuals and organisations, over the next few years with a view to increasing our lobbying strength to better serve the seniors of Bermuda.?