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Ailing Allen returns home to recover

Back home: Tourism Minister David Allen

Minister of Tourism David Allen has arrived back on the Island to recover from his illness among the people he loves.

Acting Tourism Minister Alex Scott said last night that Mr. Allen arrived back on Friday, and had been making steady progress while staying at a residence in Tucker's Town.

"I must admit, there is something in his wish to be here in Bermuda," said Mr. Scott.

"I'm not a medical person, but he is certainly in better spirits, and I would say is feeling better for having returned.

"I have seen him every day and every day there has been an improvement."

Mr. Scott said when Mr. Allen returned to the Island on board an air ambulance he was obviously tired. "He was tired on Saturday morning, too, but he was barking orders today," quipped the Minister.

Mr. Allen was rushed to the Lahey Clinic in Boston ten days ago to undergo a series of tests, and was said to have had surgery last Sunday.

The nature of his illness has not been revealed.

He spent some time in the intensive care unit of the clinic, but wished to return on Friday to more familiar surroundings.

Mr. Scott said: "He feels very strongly that he has a very deep and abiding love for his fellow Bermudians, and equally about his homeland Bermuda.To this end, he made it very clear that he wanted to return to good health in Bermuda."

However, Mr. Scott said he and Mr. Allen were eager to see the community and the media allow him to recover in peace.

"He accepts that he is a public figure, but if you know Mr. Allen, he is a very private person and in that regard, while he finds his way back to good health, it's hoped that his privacy can be reasonably well respected," said Mr. Scott.