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Allen, Dodwell dispute to continue

The row over Tourism Minister David Allen's claim that Shadow Tourism Minister David Dodwell's hotel was about to go "bust" is set to continue after the Opposition tabled a motion to debate the controversy.

United Bermuda Party leader Grant Gibbons said last night his party was angry that Mr. Allen failed last week to withdraw or correct his "misinformed" statement that The Reefs would have closed if it did not receive help under the Hotel Concessions Act.

The UBP is so alarmed that Mr. Allen did not correct the information in the House of Assembly last Friday that it has tabled a motion to debate the matter in Parliament.

Not only had Mr. Allen impugned the integrity of another MP, his decision to reveal details of a business conversation with Mr. Dodwell could jeopardise the confidence other companies would have in dealing with the Minister, Dr. Gibbons said last night.

The row began a week and a half ago when Mr. Allen claimed in the House of Assembly that The Reefs would have "gone bust" if it did not receive a Concession Order under the Act - which Mr. Dodwell has emphatically denied.

He based the claim on Mr. Dodwell telling him he needed to know when the order was going through because he was meeting his bankers.

Dr. Gibbons told The Royal Gazette last night: "The issue was that Mr. Allen effectively had an entire week to withdraw or correct his misinformed and misrepresented statements in the House and he chose not to do so.

"We felt very strongly that in essentially issuing the contents of what would have been a private conversation he put into jeopardy the credibility of himself as Tourism Minister in future dealing with anyone.

"He has maligned and impugned the financial integrity and reputation of a Member of the House, but he has also put into doubt his own credibility and doubts about his ability to deal with others in the future."

Motions normally must sit on the table for two weeks, so the issue will not be debated until December 14 at the earliest.

The motion, which was tabled last Friday, states: "This House deplores the conduct of the honourable member Mr. David Allen, who, in disclosing the contents of a private telephone conversation, recklessly endangered the reputation of the honourable member Mr. Dodwell and that of his business with remarks which were inaccurate and misleading, and also undermined the ability of the Ministry of Tourism to continue to operate in an atmosphere of trust as well as his own credibility to function in the position of the Minister responsible for Tourism in Bermuda."