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Anglicans rent Little Theatre to see anti-slavery film Amazing Grace

The Anglican Church has rented out the whole of the Little Theatre for a showing of Amazing Grace, the inspirational story of anti-slavery campaigner William Wilberforce.

Church leaders have booked the cinema on Thursday, March 8, so that their congregation can see the movie in the run-up to the bicentenary of the Slave Trade Act in Britain and its territories on March 25.

The film, which is to be shown at the Little Theatre in the coming weeks, details the efforts of abolitionist Wilberforce to steer anti-slave trade legislation through the British Parliament two centuries ago.

Wilberforce, a devout Christian, had campaigned against slavery since 1787, in the face of supporters who argued it was the lifeblood of the British economy.

In 1807, Wilberforce’s law was finally passed. After mass protests and slave rebellions, an act was passed in 1833 abolishing slavery in the British colonies, shortly before Wilberforce died.

The Royal Gazette has been marking the 200th anniversary of the Slave Trade Act by calling for world leaders to help end various forms of human captivity continuing to plague the world today.

Our Break The Chains campaign is urging people to sign Anti-Slavery International’s on-line petition which demands Governments recognise at least 12 million men, women and children trapped in the modern slave trade.

This includes human trafficking, child labour, bonded labour and forced marriages.

Rev. Nick Dill, pastor at St. John’s Church, Pembroke, said church-goers were being encouraged to think about the slave trade over the next few weeks.

He said booking the theatre would give as many parishioners as possible the chance to see the message behind the film.

“We felt it was fitting that the Anglican Church should rent the Little Theatre on March 8,” said Rev. Dill.

“We are taking over the whole theatre for members of the congregation.”

Churches are currently lining up a number of other events to mark the bicentenary, although details have yet to be revealed. It is understood parishioners will be asked to sing the Amazing Grace hymn at a number of churches across the Island.

So far, around 15,900 people have signed the Anti-Slavery International petition.

All you have to do to back the campaign is log onto the internet and follow a few simple instructions on your computer screen. Go to www.antislavery.org/2007/actionsign and fill in your details. To comment on the campaign, call 278-0153 or email tsmith[AT]royalgazette.bm.