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Appeal to help children of inmates

Prison Fellowship Bermuda has again launched its Christmas Angel Tree Appeal to help children of those locked up during the festive season.

“Prison inmates who are mothers and fathers are often helpless at this time of year which is highlighted by family gatherings and being together,” said chairman Jack Harris.

“None have the mobility to provide greetings for their children and few have money to buy gifts. We realise that some inmates have committed serious crimes, but we believe that their children still want to see them as loving parents.

“It is always a great feeling to watch a child open a gift especially from an absent parent, even more so when it is a surprise. But the true value of Angel Tree is the bond established between parent and child.

“We urgently seek assistance as we normally have over 100 children to provide for.

“The Fellowship is looking for assistance and financial support to provide appropriate gifts for these disadvantaged children.”

The Prison Fellowship circulates forms to inmates, with information about the children's ages, sex, sizes and Christmas wishes.

Volunteers, who also do the shopping, ensure the gifts go directly to the children along with personal Christmas cards from the parents.

For more information contact Carol Armstrong on 236-7100 or 292-7089.