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Applause for Claus

Even the most ardent cynic could not have helped but raise a smile as the enchanting Christmas Parade wound its merry way through the streets of Hamilton yesterday.

Thousands of spectators, both young and old, lined the route as a procession boasting an array of outfits, colourful floats and booming music passed slowly by.

An eclectic mix of elves, Santa Clauses, bunny rabbits, Spider-men and even a Scooby Doo were among the participants in the popular festive celebration, which began at the bottom of Par-La-Ville Road and proceeded along the length of Front Street.

One onlooker, Susan Ward, whose five-year-old son had developed a persistent fascination with a man dressed up as a giant ice-cream sandwich, remarked that even the adults in the crowd seemed to have been taken in by the parade?s ?inimitable charm?.

?I?m not sure who is enjoying themselves more ? me or my son!? she said.

?This is the first time I?ve come down to watch the parade and I have to say that it really is a terrific occasion. It?s great that so many people have got involved and really made an effort with their costumes and their dance routines. It?s always nice when we can come together as a community and do something like this ? particularly when you can get kids involved.?