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Assault earns man two years in jail

A Pembroke man who attacked a club owner with a helmet was sentenced to two years in jail, yesterday.

Colford Lloyd Ferguson, 22, of Cedar Avenue in Pembroke pleaded guilty to the charge of grievous bodily harm with intent to do grievous bodily harm on Champions Sports Club owner Delvin Bean, in February of this year.

The court heard that at about 4.45 a.m. on February 8, Mr. Bean closed the club for the night. As he was locking and securing the premises he was told there was a dispute occurring at the front entrance between a female employee and am unknown person. However when he reached the front entrance the dispute had broken up and everything seemed under control.

Mr. Bean then left the club and began walking towards his car, parked on Reid Street. However as he reached Joell?s Alley and attempted to cross the street, he was struck on the right side of his face.

He turned and saw Ferguson standing nearby with a helmet in his hand. Ferguson said: ?I couldn?t get your f****** people but I f****** got you,? then ran off through the alley.

Thinking his injuries were not serious, Mr. Bean proceeded to drive home. However as he drove his face felt numb and he felt drowsy. Once he arrived home his nose began to bleed and he coughed up blood.

Mr. Bean went to the hospital where he had to undergo surgery. He had suffered moderate swelling to his right cheek and eye area with bruising around the eye, a small laceration to his upper eyelid and a fractured orbital floor with probable entrapment of the intraocular muscle.

He was told by doctors that the numbness to his face could take months to go away ? and it may not go away at all.

Ferguson told Police later that he had walked away from the incident at the door but later was threatened by two men with a baseball bat. He said he walked away again but was grabbed from behind in a choke hold, thrown to the ground and punched in the face.

He said it was then that he swung his helmet and hit his attacker in the face. He was unable to identify his attackers, however, saying he did not know their names.

After considering the facts of the case and the public?s interest, as well as a victim impact statement and social inquiry report, Acting Justice Archie Warner sentenced Ferguson to two years incarceration, with time already served to be taken into account.