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Auditor General steers clear of war of words

Auditor General Larry Dennis refused yesterday to be drawn into a war of words between the Finance Minister Paula Cox and Opposition Leader Grant Gibbons on Government?s finances.

However he said that while he has not audited any improvements in Government?s collection of debts, he did understand that improvements have been made in initiatives inspired by civil servants.

Ms Cox attacked the media?s coverage of Mr. Dennis? latest report on Government finances, saying the media needed to keep the issues in context.

While agreeing work was still needed, she emphasised the improvements Government has made in its financial reporting, highlighting particularly the emphasis placed on debt collection.

However Dr. Gibbons slammed Ms Cox?s comments as ?complete spin?, saying that most of the initiatives she cited were in place before the Progressive Labour Party won the 1998 General Election.

?I will stay out of any debate between the Minister and the Opposition,? Mr. Dennis said yesterday.

He did speak to some specifics, however.

Though improvements have not yet shown up in an audit, Mr. Dennis said he understood the Tax Commissioner?s office in particular has made improvements on debt collection. If those improvements show up in the next audit, he added: ?I will certainly comment on it?.

The Department of Social Insurance is not understood to be as up-to-date, he said, however they seemed to be ?letting the Tax Commissioner set the pace and tucking in behind?, and will hopefully meet with the same success.

Mr. Dennis said the Departments of Immigration and Transport Control have been working for years with Government to withhold vehicle licenses and work permits for those who have fallen into arrears, however he was not sure whether they were as co-ordinated in their efforts as they are currently.

As for media coverage of the report, he said: ?I think it was good.?

The report would not be nearly as effective or powerful without the media, he added, as few Bermudians would take the time to read it. ?That?s very important to the Constitutional requirements regarding accountability.?