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Bermuda Shorts

Cash and jewellery were stolen from a Cottage Hill Lane, Hamilton Parish residence on Tuesday evening, Police reported.Officers attended the house and were told someone entered his home and took $70 and a gold ring with a pink-coloured birth stone.A thief stole two bottles of vodka from a Devonshire grocery store on Tuesday afternoon, Police said.

Cash and jewellery stolen

Cash and jewellery were stolen from a Cottage Hill Lane, Hamilton Parish residence on Tuesday evening, Police reported.

Officers attended the house and were told someone entered his home and took $70 and a gold ring with a pink-coloured birth stone.

Vodka stolen

A thief stole two bottles of vodka from a Devonshire grocery store on Tuesday afternoon, Police said.

The manager of the Garden Market, on Middle Road, said a white male with a slim buid and about five foot eight inches in height put two half gallon bottles, valued at $44.95 each into a dark shoulder bag at about 4.15 p.m.

$1,300 stolen

A thief stole $1,300 in cash from a Town Hill Road, Smith's Parish home, Police said yesterday.

The culprit entered the residence between 7.15 a.m. and 8.30 a.m. on Tuesday and took $200 from a drawer and $1,100 from another part of the house.

Police after spitter

A female driver has reported that on Monday night a McGall's Hill resident spat in her face after a brief argument.

She said she answered a Smith's Parish call for the McGall's Hill area and found she had to navigate the driveway of a private residence in order to turn around. At this time, she said, the man approached her and an argument ensued. According to her, he then created a blockade preventing her from leaving.

She told Police that when he got out of her way, he approached her window and spat in her face. Police are conducting inquiries into this incident.

Man hurt in attack

Police were called to a disturbance near the junction of Middle Road and Khyber Pass in Warwick on Monday afternoon that left a man with a bloodied nose and split upper lip.

By the time the Police had arrived at the scene, the assailant had left the area. Police said a witness to the incident said they saw the attacker hit the victim with a helmet after hurling a bottle at him.

Armed men steal bike

Two males wielding a large knife and a bat robbed a motorist of his cycle on Monday evening, the Police have reported.

The complainant told the Police that at about 7 p.m. he turned onto Winton Hill Lane in Hamilton Parish and saw another cycle lying in the road.

He said when he stopped his cycle, the thieves jumped out of some nearby trees and demanded his keys and escaped on his bike.