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Bermuda Shorts, April 23, 2004

Law reform draft report in hands of Attorney General MussendenThe committee reviewing Bermuda?s legal system has completed its recommendations and has handed a draft copy to Attorney General Larry Mussenden.The committee was set up after widespread criticism of aspects of the handling of justice. Committee Chairwoman Puisne Judge Norma Wade-Miller was staying tight-lipped about its findings.

Law reform draft report in hands of Attorney General Mussenden

The committee reviewing Bermuda?s legal system has completed its recommendations and has handed a draft copy to Attorney General Larry Mussenden.

The committee was set up after widespread criticism of aspects of the handling of justice. Committee Chairwoman Puisne Judge Norma Wade-Miller was staying tight-lipped about its findings.

She said: ?Hopefully the public will be pleasantly surprised.?

Comprised of legal experts, the committee was set up in February and given a March 31 deadline to complete its review.

Mrs. Wade-Miller said the committee members had burned the midnight oil in getting it done and she was confident progress could be made soon. Copies are being printed and a final version will be given to Mr. Mussenden when he returns to the Island next week.

Topics include cutting court backlogs and improving efficiency, improving judicial training and boosting Bermudian recruitment.

Lagoon Park murderer in hospital

One of the men found guilty of killing of American drug trafficker Stanley Lee in the marathon Lagoon Park murder case is being guarded in hospital as he lies in intensive care.

Robert Blair Tucker was found guilty of murdering Lee last month after a four-month trial. Home Affairs and Public Safety Minister Randy Horton said there have been two men guarding Tucker in King Edward VII Memorial Hospital but this may be reduced to one.

?With his physical condition, I think one person is adequate,? he said. Mr. Horton was not able to say what condition Tucker has.

During his trial it emerged that he suffers from the often debilitating sickle cell anaemia but a source has claimed he has pneumonia. It is understood he was admitted early last week but the hospital refused to comment on his condition on Wednesday night. Tucker was sentenced to life in prison ? a mandatory 25 years ? before discretionary parole could be granted.

CableVision promises digital Island by December

Bermuda CableVision has now reached the northern half of Hamilton Parish as it rolls out its digital cable service.

Customers north of Flatts and Leamington Caves can sign up for the new channels and services. This expansion makes digital cable available in four parishes.

The service has been available in Pembroke since February and in St. David?s and St. George?s since last summer. More than 1,000 customers have signed up. Operations manager Alan Smith said: ?We?re happy to be able to offer the service to North Hamilton Parish residents.

?Our goal is to make the service available to all our customers by the end of 2004. We know there is a great deal of interest and digital is proving hugely popular with the community.?

The service has more than 150 channels, including 45 channels of commercial-free CD-quality music, 14 pay-per-view channels and an interactive programme guide.

Man mugged on Church Street

A man walking along Church Street at 12.40 a.m yesterday refused to give money to two men who attempted to rob him.

According to a Police report, the man was approached by two men in a vehicle. He refused to hand over his money and a minor altercation resulted. The suspects left the scene by car without taking anything. The victim was not injured.

A robber entered a Devonshire home earlier this week and made away with jewellery and an undisclosed amount of cash. The home owner told Police that sometime between 4 p.m Saturday and 7.30 a.m. on Wednesday morning, the culprit gained entry in the home, located on Lookout Lane. Inquiries into these incidents are underway.

Cops in push for cadets

The Bermuda Police Cadet Programme is looking for sharp, eager and goal-oriented young Bermudians who are ready to serve their country. The programme is intended to serve as a recruitment tool for the Police Service with the aim of Bermudianising the service.

Cadets receive a starting salary of $24,625.61 to $26,379.57 and are offered free tuition to Bermuda College. They also receive major medical insurance coverage and access to a multi-purpose gymnasium and recreation club.

Potential Cadets must be: Bermudians or spouses of Bermudians; between 16 and 21 years of age; of good physical and mental health; and, able to pass the Police Initial Recruitment Test, vetting, physical, medical, eye test, home visit and assessment board.

For more information contact the Recruitment Officer at 299-4304. Applications are available at any Police Station. The deadline for applications is Friday, May 14.

Club Med developers are ?positive? of a deal

The company hoping to develop the closed Club Med site said yesterday it is ?positive? about pulling off the deal. The Toronto-based Quorum Group has been given until May 15 to negotiate exclusively with Government, which owns the site.

Quorum hopes to transform the landmark site in St. George?s into a hotel and international cultural centre with colony housing and European-style piazzas and fountains.

When asked if she was confident the development will go ahead, Quorum consortium leader Wanda Dorosz told : ?We are positive. That doesn?t mean there aren?t details, but it is something both sides want. We are interacting with Government on many levels every week and we are in the thick of it. We are still negotiating and we are not yet able to announce something definitive.?

Shadow Tourism Minister David Dodwell, who owns The Reefs, and Four Seasons are in the running to manage the hotel on the Club Med site.