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Bermuda Shorts, November 1, 2006

Man beaten on a public roadAn assault in Smith's left a man with a suspected broken jawThe 46-year-old victim was reportedly attacked by two men on a motorcycle, Police said.The attackers beat his head and body before fleeing the scene on North Shore Road, near the junction with Tamarisk Hill.

Man beaten on a public road

An assault in Smith's left a man with a suspected broken jaw

The 46-year-old victim was reportedly attacked by two men on a motorcycle, Police said.

The attackers beat his head and body before fleeing the scene on North Shore Road, near the junction with Tamarisk Hill.

Police found the victim lying in a roadside driveway at about 1.40 a.m. yesterday as he was treated by paramedics.

The St. George's resident was taken to hospital with a suspected broken jaw and injuries to his back, shoulder and leg.

Witnesses should call St. George's Criminal Investigation Unit on 2971122.

Laptops stolen from Education Ministry

Computer equipment has been stolen in a raid on a Government IT base.

Police said three projectors, two Gateway Tablet laptop computers and four Dell laptops were stolen from the Department of Education's IT Department, on Glebe Road, Pembroke.

A Sony Handycam camcorder and several Microsoft CDs are also missing.

Burglars struck between Saturday night and noon on Sunday. The value of the missing items was not revealed yesterday.

$1,800 fine for cannabis in IPZ

A 20-year-old man was fined $1,800 by a magistrate after he admitted possession of drugs in an increased penalty zone.

Jah-Lano Issac Hill, of Woodlawn Road, Sandys, was searched by Police at Somerset Recreation Club on June 4 and found to have a white twist containing cannabis resin in his pocket.

Senior Magistrate Archibald Warner fined him $800 for the possession and $1,000 because it was in an increased penalty zone. Hill has until November 30 to pay or will face a three-month jail term.

Man denies breaking protection order

A man yesterday denied two counts of contravening a protective intervention order by having contact with a child.

The 47-year-old, who cannot be named for legal reasons, of Sandys, appeared at Magistrates' Court, where his case was adjourned until November 9. He was granted $2,000 bail.

Quick trial date set for cannabis

Patrick Daniels, 26, of Spring Hill, Warwick, denied possession of cannabis when he appeared at Magistrates' Court yesterday.

The matter was adjourned until tomorrow and he was granted $1,000 bail.

Burglars busy ? netting gold, in raids

A woman has reported several items of gold jewellery being stolen from her Warwick parish apartment during a burglary that took place some time during last Friday.

The apartment in Dunscombe Road is believed to have been broken into between 8 a.m. and 9.30 p.m. while there was no one at home.

On the same day another property in Warwick was also broken into.

Police were called to a residence in Glenwood Park Crescent where a culprit was reported to have entered the property and stolen three items of jewellery while there was no one at home, sometime between 7 a.m. and 7.30 p.m.

Both burglaries are now being investigated by Bermuda Police Service.

Five burglaries over the weekend

Eleven people were arrested on suspicion of impaired driving over the weekend. Police were also called to five reported burglaries, two in Warwick, two in Pembroke and one in St. George's.

On the roads there were 23 reported, damage-only collisions and nine road traffic collisions that resulted in injury.

Gang expert to hold forum

US gang expert Sgt. DeLacy Davis and his team will lead two forums looking at how to prevent violence this week.

The second session will take place tomorrow at the Somerset Cricket Club from 7 to 9 p.m.