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Breaking News: Government warns charities

Charities that fail to file annual accounts will be named and shamed for a second time later this year, Social Rehabilitation Minister Dale Butler warned yesterday .

He told a press conference that almost a hundred of Bermuda’s 408 registered charities have still failed to disclose their finances to Government — despite a Senate report in June declaring them “delinquent”.

The Registrar-General sent letters to 145 non-profit organisations which were behind with their reporting in June and 46 have since responded. That leaves 99 non-reporting groups at risk of losing their registered charity status if they don’t file accounts before September 30.

Mr. Butler said: “The charities that have not reported by September 30 will have their name published in the newspaper with a final request to have their finances submitted.”

He said after that their details would be sent to the Charities Commission, which would determine whether they could retain their status and continue fundraising.

* See the full story in tomorrow's Royal Gazette.