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Breaking News: Govt. is soft on crime, says UBP

Government has been soft on crime and reactionary, according to the United Bermuda Party.In a press conference today, Opposition Leader Kim Swan said his party had been consistent in its message of being tough on crime.On the other hand, in his opinion, Government has shown knee-jerk reactions to the rising crime levels.

Government has been soft on crime and reactionary, according to the United Bermuda Party.

In a press conference today, Opposition Leader Kim Swan said his party had been consistent in its message of being tough on crime.

On the other hand, in his opinion, Government has shown knee-jerk reactions to the rising crime levels.

"They grandstand in the wake of shocking crimes with emergency meetings, followed by tough words, action plans and then…nothing," he said.

"So, yes, we are concerned about this Government's commitment to lead on crime. There are people who will criticise us for being critical at this time, but the fact is we hurt our ability to progress if we don't have the clearest understanding of our strengths and weaknesses."

Mr. Swan said the UBP's message has been the same; they believe there should be better detection of crime, more effective prosecution and enhanced rehabilitation.

Since December the party has suggested increasing police manpower — which is currently at 477 officers with ten vacant positions — increasing CCTV use, reforming the justice system and increasing the Policing budget.

For the full story see tomorrow's Royal Gazette.