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Breaking News: Mayor urged to suspend horse ban

The junior Minister of Transport Senator Wayne Caines today called on the Corporation of Hamilton to suspend its decision to ban horse and carriage from Harbour Nights.

Sen. Caines told a press conference this afternoon that he believes the Mayor of Hamilton, Sutherland Madeiros, overstepped his authority when he announced the ban yesterday.

“While the Mayor obviously has wide discretion within the city limits, it is the Public Service Vehicles Licensing Board which is responsible for public service vehicles countrywide and that legislative oversight includes horse drawn carriages.

“Board was not consulted before the Mayor's public statements and Transport Control Department was also not consulted,” said Sen. Caines.

He added: “Today I will send a letter to the Mayor strongly urging him to temporarily suspend his decision and immediately consult with the Licensing Board. A prudent consultative process will ensure that the decision is not made emotionally, but instead handled with an eye on the greater good of all involved.

“Of course it would be irresponsible to speculate on the results of this consultative process before it even begins, but I am confident that if it is allowed to unfold prudently we will have a reasoned conclusion when all the discussion is complete.”

Almost a year ago, a horse pulling a carriage bolted down Front Street injuring dozens of people.

* See tomorrow's Royal Gazette for the full story.