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Breaking News: Men accused of mob attack cleared of damaging home

Five men accused of a mob attack in Hamilton Parish were this evening cleared of one of the charges that they faced.

The men had been accused of smashing the windows of Temasgan Furbert’s home prior to the alleged attack.

This evening they were found not guilty of the charge.

The jury has been considering verdicts in the case since 11.13 this morning. There are six men on trial in total.

All six are accused of wounding the 23-year-old with intent to do him grievous bodily harm in the attack on February 27 last year.

The jury told Puisne Judge Carlisle Greaves at 5.25 p.m. that they had been unable to reach unanimous verdicts in respect to that charge.

The judge has sent them back out, instructing them that they must still try to reach a unanimous verdict but if they cannot he will accept a verdict upon which at least nine of the 12 are agreed.

However the jurors did reach unanimous verdicts on charges that five of the six faced — of smashing up the victim’s home prior to launching the alleged attack on him.

The jury cleared all five of that charge.

Watch this website for updates and for the full story see tomorrow’s Royal Gazette.