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Breaking News: New Tourism director appointed

Premier Ewart Brown congratulating William Griffith who has been appointed as the new Director of Tourism, during a press conference today

Premier Ewart Brown today announced that William Griffith had been appointed as the new Director of Tourism.

Mr. Griffith, otherwise known as Billy Griffith, was the General Manager of the Harmony Club and Belmont hotel and more recently served as the President of the Bermuda Resort Hotels.

Yesterday the Premier said with Mr. Griffith’s wealth of knowledge and depth of experience, he would be an asset to the Department.

He said: “William Griffith is our new Director of Tourism. Many will know him as Billy Griffith. He is nothing short of a household name in Bermuda’s hospitality industry. There are precious few people in Bermuda who understand the local tourism industry like Billy Griffith.

“He has joined our team at a critical time. We are ushering in the Platinum Period in tourism which includes a lot of activity in the hotel sector — a new resort at the former Wyndham, a new hotel at Tucker’s Point, a newly opened property at Newstead, new resorts soon coming to Morgan’s Point and St. George’s… the list goes on and on.”