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Breaking News: PLP pick Charles Clarke for Hamilton West

PLP candidate Charles Clark

Charles Clarke is the Progressive Labour Party choice to fight marginal Hamilton West — held by former Opposition leader Wayne Furbert last time by 61 votes.

Mr. Clarke, 45, a banking and credit manager for BTC, grew up in the parish and said his family roots in the neighbourhood were paying dividends in his canvassing.

Crime, affordable health care for seniors and housing were the key talking points on the doorstep said Mr. Clarke.

And Mr. Clarke, who is League and Competitions chairman for the Bermuda Football Association, hopes to breathe new life into Shelly Bay Field.

He said: “As I walk on Shelly Bay Field I ask myself why isn’t there a proper club house for the young and old in this constituency and the greater community?”

He also called for floodlights and a running track while stressing he would not like the secluded lagoon to be encroached upon.

* See the full story in The Royal Gazette tomorrow.