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Breaking News: Prison officer fined for assault

A prison worker was slapped with a $2,000 fine this morning in Magistrates’ Court for assaulting a woman in Hamilton.

Michael Brangman, 23, pleaded guilty to assaulting Elaina Nelson on Front Street on September 13. The victim said the sentence “was appropriate” after Brangman, of Wyndham Hill, left her with a sprained arm and scratch on her left wrist.

Defence lawyer Llewellyn Peniston argued for a conditional discharge that would allow his client to continue a career with the Correctional Facilities. According to Mr. Peniston, Brangman served in the Cadets and Bermuda Regiment and was of previously “unblemished record”.

Mr. Peniston also claimed his client tried to apologise to the victim at the earliest conveniance.

Ms Nelson, however, told the court that Brangman was more sorry that he got caught than for what he did. “That’s why I didn’t take the apology as genuine because it didn’t look genuine,” she added.

* See tomorrow’s edition of The Royal Gazette for the full story.