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Breaking News: Road closures for Queen's visit

The Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh are due to arrive in Bermuda this afternoon for their Royal visit in honour of the Island’s 400th anniversary celebrations.

Over the course of the next two days (Tuesday and Wednesday), they will be travelling throughout the Island taking part in numerous activities spanning from St. George’s to Dockyard.

As a result in order to allow for easy for flow of the Royal party, the public is reminded that there will be some traffic interruptions over the next two days.

Here are the road closures and/or traffic diversions.

Tuesday November 24:


* 2 p.m — King’s Square and Water Street West will be closed to vehicular traffic until 4 p.m.

Wednesday November 25:


Starting at 10.00 a.m. the following road closures will take place:

* Church Street between Parliament and Queen Street.

* Queen Street between Church and Front Street.

* Front Street between Queen and Bermudiana Road.

* Point Pleasant Road

Roads will reopen once the Royal party has passed.


Starting at noon there will be road closures on Pender Road, the Clock Tower Parade and select areas of Dockyard upon the Royal party’s arrival by fast ferry.

The road closures are to accommodate the Royal party’s transitions to the Clock Tower and Commissioner House.

Roads will reopen once the Royal Party has passed.