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Breaking News: Suspended sentence for Flatts machete attack

A Sandys teen convicted of possessing a pocketknife and pepper spray during a machete attack in Flatts was today handed a suspended sentence.

Rasheed Muhammad, 19, of Broome Street, pleaded guilty to possessing the items during the attack at the Flatts Village Barbershop last November 28.

His lawyer Larry Scott maintained Muhammad only went into the barbershop to collect his friend, and former co-accused, Earl Ingemann.

Ingemann, a heart transplant survivor, died after a New Year’s Day crash in St. George’s. A third man accused, Marico Bassett, pleaded not guilty to the offences in Flatts.

Senior Crown counsel Carrington Mahoney asked for his matters to lie on file and not be proceeded with.

In regards to Muhammad’s sentence Puisne Judge Carlisle Greaves said this afternoon: “In all the circumstances I have come to the opinion that the appropriate sentence should not be one of incarceration at this time.

“I think that the sentence in this case should not be more than 18 months’ imprisonment in respect to the prohibited weapon charge and six months in respect to the offensive weapon charge, both to run concurrently.”

He continued: “I am of the view this sentence should be suspended for a period of three years. This defendant is in need in my view of some support in the community that is another reason I think sentence should be suspended.”

For the full story read tomorrow’s edition of The Royal Gazette.