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Breaking News: Two Berkeley Institute students arrested over alleged fight

Two 16-year-old students allegedly involved in a fight at The Berkeley Institute have been arrested by Police after being released from hospital.

According to Police one of the boys was arrested for wounding and one on suspicion of possessing a controlled drug. A spokesman said: “Both young men have been bailed pending further investigations.”

The two were taken to the King Edward VII Memorial Hospital yesterday afernoon after an incident in the school’s bathroom when one boy suffered multiple wounds and the other boy suffered an injured hand.

The Berkeley Institute was put on ‘lock-down’ with students locked in their classrooms until the end of the day.

Any witnesses or anyone with any information is asked to contact the Hamilton Criminal Investigation Unit on 295-0011. Alternatively, anonymous tips can be given via the confidential Crime Stoppers hotline on 800-8477 or the Crime Stoppers Bermuda website at www.crimestoppers.bm.

* See more on this story in tomorrow's Royal Gazette.