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Brown, Webb, AG face lawsuit

Two Government Ministers and the Attorney General are being sued by Hardell Group over multimedia services at the Bermuda International Airport.

Hardell boss Corey Butterfield told The Royal Gazette on Friday that his company was suing Transport Minister Ewart Brown, Telecommunications Minister Renee Webb, Attorney General Paula Cox and the Bermuda Airport Advertising Ltd.

Hardell, represented by legal firm Wakefield Quin, is asserting that Dr. Brown tried to remove the company from their legal position at the Airport, putting Bermuda Airport Advertising there in their place. Airport Advertising is run by Walton Brown, who is related to Dr. Brown.

The company will also assert that $200,000 worth of their technical equipment was removed from the airport by airport staff, however Hardell still has not been told why the equipment was removed or even where it is now.

Walton Brown declined to comment as he had not yet received the writ, and Dr. Brown is currently off the Island.