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Burgess renews call for Premier to quit

Maxwell Burgess of the United Bermuda Party has made a further call for the Premier, Alex Scott, to stand down.

Mr. Burgess, Shadow Minister Without Portfolio, branded Mr. Scott a ?compromise candidate? as PLP leader.

Hitting out over reports of poor conditions at the Salvation Army homeless shelter in Hamilton, he called for ?an incumbent who will no longer be compromised.?

Continuing by condemning the Government over its record on housing, jobs and education, he told the House of Assembly: ?We are living in a Bermuda that?s unhappy.? Mr. Burgess made his point during the ?free for all? session at the motion to adjourn the lengthy House of Assembly session.

It was not the first time that he had taken the opportunity to do so at this point in proceedings. Last month, he expounded a similar view after condemning the government over the issues of tourism and the troubled Berkeley Institute project.

Responding to Mr. Burgess?s comments, which were made in the early hours of Saturday morning, Glenn Blakeney of the PLP said: ?We are a lot better than parts of the world at this time of year and I would ask Bermudian society to count the blessings that we can share in the spirit of the season.

?We as a Government accept the challenges, which is why we have brought the Social Agenda to light and continue to execute it. We have never stopped work, and all is not doom and gloom in Bermuda.?

He told Mr. Burgess that it was not right to impugn the Premier in respect of the last leadership contest and added: ?It is not an easy job sitting here as an elected Member of Parliament. We cannot be all things to all people.?