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Bus depot plan under attack

Children could be endangered if plans for a new bus depot go ahead, it is claimed.St. David?s MP Suzann Roberts-Holshouser (pictured) said residents were pleased by the return of the Southside Bus Service.But they did not want the eastern bus depot moved from St. George?s to a residential area near where children may play.

Children could be endangered if plans for a new bus depot go ahead, it is claimed.

St. David?s MP Suzann Roberts-Holshouser (pictured) said residents were pleased by the return of the Southside Bus Service.

But they did not want the eastern bus depot moved from St. George?s to a residential area near where children may play.

The proposed location would take buses on several small, winding roads through residential areas, including Tommy Fox Road, Orange Hole apartments and housing for single mothers and young children.

?The safety of the community must be first and foremost in plans submitted, either by the Bermuda Land Development Corporation, Works and Engineering, or indeed the Department of Transportation,? said Ms Roberts-Holshouser.

?It seems ironic that the carrot for such a plan is a guarantee of a full bus service, which the people deserve without the increase of traffic on the roads of St. David?s.?

She said the Public Transportation Board (PTB) originally cancelled the service to St. David?s due to a ?low number of people? using it.

?This has been the old age excuse offered by the PTB and Department of Transportation.?

She added Government transport into St. David?s remained on a skeleton schedule compared to other segments of St. George?s, which received a dedicated bus service until midnight.

?Across Bermuda, all tax paying residents deserve the opportunity to choose between government transportation verses private transportation.?

Ms Roberts-Holshouser said plans for the new east bus depot in Southside were currently sitting on a desk at the Ministry of Works & Engineering waiting for approval.

St. David?s residents had been assured when the depot was completed it would enable a full bus service into the area.

The plan had been in the making for two years, with PTB ?waiting patiently for the Department of Works and Engineering to complete the process,? she said.