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Bus user: Conditions getting more crowded

: Crystal Smith

Krystal Smith has been a dedicated bus user for years but admits her 9.30 a.m. starting time at work makes commuting easy whereas getting in earlier would probably double her journey time.

?I have never had a bike,? said the 25-year-old graphic designer. ?It?s never interested me with all those crazy bikers out there. I wouldn?t feel safe.?

She has noticed the bus interiors improve but conditions get more crowded and wishes there were more buses put on when the tourist season overlaps with the school term.

?Buses are supposed to cater for tourists but it?s difficult sometimes when, at the end of a long day, the tourists push on.?

The morning commute takes her about 20 minutes from Crawl, about the same as when she lived in Southampton.

?I am quite sure if I was trying to make nine a.m. the morning journey would take a lot more time. I am grateful for my schedule.?

And she found the lack of late number seven buses going west a problem before she moved.

At $135 for a three-month pass her journey is cheap and she wishes it was possible to get a yearly pass as it can be easy to forget to renew it.

Lugging shopping can be a problem. ?Especially during busy hours when you are carrying packages.

?It would be nice if drivers and passengers offered some assistance but the drivers might say it was not in their job description.?