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... But UBP say there are still questions to be answered

Shadow Housing Minister Wayne Furbert

Concern and compassion is all it would take for Government to take a step in solving the controversial Anchorage Road evacuation, said Shadow Housing Minister Wayne Furbert yesterday.

At a Press conference yesterday, Health Minister Patrice Minors claimed that her father had not received preferential treatment when he was moved out of the soon-to-be renovated apartments.

However, Mr. Furbert said there were many questions left unanswered after yesterday's statement.

He questioned how the Minister's father could have received an apartment so quickly when so many of the Island's seniors are in need of low cost, independent housing facilities like Ferguson Park.

“Have the residents there been given the same treatment as Mr. Francis?” he asked. “That's the question still out there in the open.

“I know, as former Housing Minister, there is a long list of seniors who have been looking at single dwellings for years. How did he get that unit over the other seniors who were waiting?”

Mr. Furbert said he had spoken with the Bermuda Housing Corporation over a home needed for an elderly lady who was paying a rent she could not afford and needed a place in Ferguson Park.

Questions also arise, according to Mr. Furbert, as to whether other people moving out of Anchorage Road were able to look at the same accommodation and whether there is accommodation under the Bermuda Housing Trust available to other seniors.

“What the trust should do is set out clearly the criteria for seniors to qualify for these type of units,” said Mr. Furbert.

“My understanding of how the trust works is that those units are there to assist seniors who can't pay high rents. They (seniors) make application to the trust when they are interested in the unit. When it becomes available, the trust must place individuals in that unit. Were there no other seniors out there waiting all this time?

“We are calling on the Government to be clear so everyone will know the criteria to meet to get into these units - is it by who you know or is it by random selection?”

Mr. Furbert said the Minister has not offered any further facts other than those said in the House.

“You have a frustrated community out there looking for help,” he said. “You also have a Minister who hasn't even gone down to Anchorage Road to show compassion to those individuals.

“We are also asking if Government can see fit to take off their blinders and not take the hard line on this one. At least wait until Christmas has passed and work out a plan with those individuals. It's the least they could do for them.”