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CD a primer on Nonsuch Island flora and fauna

If you would like be able to tell a Bear's Foot from a Burr Bush or a Coast Sophoro from a Briar Bush then you will need a new CD-ROM, released recently by the Bermudia Biological Station for Research, detailing the history of Nonsuch Island.

The CD, entitled The Flora of Nonsuch Island - Bermuda's Endemic and Native Plants - features the work of former Government Conservation Officer David Wingate and the 'Living Museum on Nonsuch Island'.

The aim is for people to be able to spot the endemic fauna and also the Cahow and the skink.

BBSR educational officer Helle Patterson said: "I was compelled to create this document because I needed the information and it wasn't readily available in any form.

"In my job I am frequently asked to identify this plant or that. Is it endemic to Bermuda or can it be found elsewhere in the world?

"Even if we have read about our native plants, how many of us can actually tell a Bear's Foot from a Burr Bush or a Coast Sophoro from a Briar Bush if we came upon them?

"Worse yet, far too many cannot identify an endemic Bermuda Palmetto from the introduced pest Chinese Fan Palm, and we willingly plant the latter in the belief that we are planting palmettos."

The CD is compatible for both PCs and Macs. It is available through shops throughout the Island and it retails at $15. The proceeds will go to the Nonsuch Preservation Fund.